Monday, February 11, 2008

Love is in the air!

What moves you? What makes you happy? The word "Love" is bantered around quite a bit (I love my car, I love that dog, etc.) but what is really important to you? When I remarried I jumped in to being a parent with both feet--try being 41 with no kids, set in my ways and immediately being responsible for a 7 year-old daughter and a 14 year-old son? (not to mention the 22 year-old daughter that's on her own and you've seen photos of Gavin, our grandson!) Well, add another year (of marriage and in ages)--it's been a wonderful experience and more that I could have expected. Not that I am a joy to live with (ask any of them : ) and ask Susie about my 'infinite' knowledge of raising children ("And how many children have YOU had?" is a favorite quote from her). What am I saying? Suffice it to say that I fell in love with a wonderful woman, and I have the "added bonus" of a wonderful family (Susie was/is a great Mom!). THAT's what moves me, THAT's the Love of which I speak! Happy Valentine's Day-I hope you are blessed with family and happiness as well!

Don't forget-Chocolate reportedly is good for you (like wine or anything else, always in moderation!). Evidently wonderful antioxidents + mood-enhancing qualities. I concur! Great valentine's gift through the ages..

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